
Feel free to add issues, make pull requests, etc.

This project is a path generator that uses bezier curves.

See the code for example usage.

Here is a bezier curve grapher I made on desmos:

This project uses...

-code from team 254 (mostly the trapezoidal motion stuff):

-ideas from this primer on BezierCurves:

-guass quadrature integral approximation:

-the Falcon Path Planner graphing utility to graph paths, because I came across that when researching and it is easy to use. Falcon Path Planner:

This project also has Jaci's PathFinder in it because I wanted to run some speed comparison tests

Other notes:

-Another way to get smooth turning would be with a track transition curve (curvature depends on arc length):

-I would like to eventually include ideas from this paper:

^ it would be neat to do that. If someone wants to work with me on that, that would be great. I have a general idea of what's going on in that paper (connect two monotonically increasing in curvature bezier curves with an arc) but have no idea how I would go about implementing that.