Learn to deploy production style with Digital Ocean!

This repo and accompanying youtube video will show you how to deploy a production build react app on digital ocean.

You will learn:

  1. How to create build assets
  2. How to create an express server to deploy your build
  3. How to create an api
  4. How to get a domain for your site
  5. How to create a server with Digital Ocean
  6. How to setup your domain with Digital Ocean
  7. How to get and setup an SSL Certificate for FREE

YouTube Tutorial: https://youtu.be/lN0oiYqenpA

Live Demo: https://learntodeploy.com/

Quick Start (localhost)

digital-ocean-tutorial > npm install

digital-ocean-tutorial/client > npm install

digital-ocean-tutorial/server > npm install

digital-ocean-tutorial > npm run dev

Running on your server (digital ocean)

digital-ocean-tutorial > npm run prod