
A terminal based groupchat server and client :busts_in_silhouette:

Primary LanguageGo


A multithreaded groupchat server/client implementation made with Go and gRPC.

This project leverages concurrency constructs in Go as well as socket-like bidirectional streaming in gRPC to exchange messages.

The server uses a hexagonal architecture. Components like storage, authentication, and inbound/outbound ports are abstracted away from the core server logic using interfaces. This makes the server "agnostic to the outside world" , and it will indivdual components easier to test in isolation (when finally get around to writing tests 😎)


Without Docker

Install Dependencies
go mod download

Build Executable
go build -o groupchat

Start Server
go run server.go -spass <password> -h <hostname>
ex. ./groupchat -s -spass "password" -port "5000"

Start Client
./gRPC-terminal-chat -u <username> -g <groupname> -p <password> -h <hostname>
ex. ./groupchat -u "jay" -pass "abc" -g "my group" -spass "password" -url "localhost:5000"

With Docker

Build container docker build --tag=groupchat .

Run Server:
docker run -it -p 5000:5000 groupchat:latest ./groupchat -s -spass "password" -port "5000"

Run Some Clients:
docker run -it -i --net=host groupchat:latest ./groupchat -u "user 1" -pass "abc" -g "my group" -spass "password" -url "localhost:5000"

docker run -it -i --net=host groupchat:latest ./groupchat -u "user 2" -pass "abc" -g "my group" -spass "password" -url "localhost:5000"


Generate Protocol Bufffer
protoc -I proto/ proto/groupchat.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:proto

go fmt ./...