- 0
- 0
IndexedDB Provider Pro
#313 opened by CKiOne - 0
Jay data is not compatible with Es6 and Common Js configuration for Typescript
#302 opened by rahul-network - 0
jaydata and typescript
#269 opened - 2 website hacked / malicious redirect
#301 opened by Konbonix - 0
Introduce Bit Foundation's jayData fork
#300 opened by ysmoradi - 8
- 2
Case insensitive on filter function
#297 opened by rzorzal - 1
Unexpected reaction when using remove and saveChanges
#288 opened by bstaley - 0
- 3
Load knockout-module with AMD
#251 opened by genusP - 2
is JayData still suported? in production?
#296 opened by albertoVieiraNeto - 1
- 1
Generate service according edmx/metadata
#295 opened by JenneyJ - 0
Support for Enumeration Flags (OData v4)
#293 opened by philcarbone - 1
Master-Details example
#292 opened by darianferrer - 1
JayData API Documentation gone missing
#284 opened by ogrim - 1
Jaysvcutil enhancements
#289 opened by raveclassic - 2
- 1
- 2
Deep updates
#283 opened by bstaley - 1
Using Cordova sqLite Plugin
#275 opened by iqmeta - 1
JayData V 1.5.10 oData V3
#281 opened by Chrisigrimm - 2
Do you support concat as a filter?
#282 opened by bstaley - 3
Jaydata and Entity Framework Core
#280 opened by Davidvlv - 0
Update JSLQ 101 article
#279 opened by robesz - 0
Collect list of configuration options and post article
#278 opened by robesz - 3
jaydata maps an empty string to null
#276 opened by bizlina - 7
webpack example needed
#271 opened by fberlin - 0
Odata and inherited types - multiple levels of inheritance, data not populated. JayData 1.5.6 (release)
#274 opened by radicalapps - 1
iOS Home Screen App onReady error
#265 opened by PaulTodd - 2
1.5.6 Update
#270 opened by bstaley - 0
jaysvcutil env: node\r: No such file or directory
#268 opened by moander - 0
Verify Pro module: Schema Evolutions
#262 opened by robesz - 0
Verify Pro module: Query Cache
#263 opened by robesz - 0
Deployment of node-base northwind service to Azure
#267 opened by robesz - 2
General questions about the project
#266 opened by canibanoglu - 1
- 1
Basic inheritance support for OData v4 services
#260 opened by robesz - 0
Walkthrough: update jQuery Product Editor tutorial
#264 opened by robesz - 0
JaySvcUtil: Generate updated typescript output for JayData & data model specific types
#261 opened by robesz - 5
IEEE754Compatible=true Header
#259 opened by bstaley - 1
JayData Pro D.TS file does not compile
#258 opened by ChristopherPope - 3
v1.5.5 RC find() + include() error
#256 opened by gabrielsimplicio - 0
asKendodatasource() has error in kendo.js : Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: is not a function
#255 opened by mehdikash - 0
MongoDB relationships property is not implemented
#253 opened by neel-actual - 0
#250 opened by a2dude - 0
Odata v4 and contains function
#249 opened by genusP - 2
Jaydata and requirejs
#248 opened by genusP - 2
JaySvcUtil doesn't seem to generate anything useful?
#247 opened by sheam