
API Documentation

Local MySql Server Commands

mysql.server start
mysql.server stop

API Endpoints

Methods Endpoints Description
GET / Returns the server status with a message
GET /status-effects Gets all buffs, debuffs, and other status effects
GET /buffs Gets all buffs
GET /buffs/:id Gets a buff by id
GET /debuffs Gets all debuffs
GET /debuffs/:id Gets a debuff by id
GET /other-status-effects/ Gets all other status effects
GET /other-status-effects/:id Gets other status effect by id

API Schemas

Buff/Debuff/Other Status Effect Schema

Fields Data type Metadata
id unsigned integer primary key, auto-increments, generated by database
name string required
description string required
image(optional) file defaults to null

NOTE: If an image is not provided, a "coming soon" image should be provided by default