
US Presidential Election Results, by county (2000-2020), congressional district (2020), and state (1864-2020)


A data package for US Presidential election results.

All build details are available here, and are fully reproducible.



Presidential Election Results via Britannica

PresElectionResults::pres_results |>
  tail() |> knitr::kable()
year candidate party ec_votes pop_votes pop_per ec_total
2012 Barack Obama Democratic 332 65446032 50.9 538
2012 Mitt Romney Republican 206 60589084 47.1 538
2016 Donald Trump Republican 304 62979636 46.0 538
2016 Hillary Clinton Democratic 227 65844610 48.1 538
2020 Joe Biden Democratic 306 81268924 51.3 538
2020 Donald Trump Republican 232 74216154 46.9 538

Presidential election results by county (2000-2020) via MIT Election Data and Science Lab (MEDSL)

PresElectionResults::pres_by_county |>
  head() |> knitr::kable()
year state_abbrev county_name GEOID winner party_win democrat republican
2000 AL Autauga 01001 George W. Bush republican 28.7 69.7
2000 AL Baldwin 01003 George W. Bush republican 24.8 72.4
2000 AL Barbour 01005 Al Gore democrat 49.9 49.0
2000 AL Bibb 01007 George W. Bush republican 38.2 60.2
2000 AL Blount 01009 George W. Bush republican 27.7 70.5
2000 AL Bullock 01011 Al Gore democrat 69.2 29.2

Presidential election results by congressional district (2020) via Daily Kos

PresElectionResults::pres_by_cd |>
  head() |> knitr::kable()
icpsr state_abbrev district_code house_rep house_rep_party winner party_win democrat republican
22168 AK 00 Mary Peltola democrat Donald Trump republican 43.0 53.1
22108 AL 01 Jerry Carl republican Donald Trump republican 35.3 63.6
22140 AL 02 Barry Moore republican Donald Trump republican 34.8 64.2
20301 AL 03 Mike Rogers republican Donald Trump republican 32.5 66.6
29701 AL 04 Robert Aderholt republican Donald Trump republican 18.6 80.4
22366 AL 05 Dale Strong republican Donald Trump republican 35.6 62.7

Presidential election results by state (1864-) via Wikipedia

PresElectionResults::pres_by_state |>
  head() |> knitr::kable()
year state_abbrev winner party_win democrat other republican
1864 CA Abraham Lincoln republican 41.40 NA 58.60
1864 CT Abraham Lincoln republican 48.62 NA 51.38
1864 DE George B. McClellan democrat 51.80 NA 48.20
1864 IA Abraham Lincoln republican 36.92 NA 63.08
1864 IL Abraham Lincoln republican 45.60 NA 54.40
1864 IN Abraham Lincoln republican 46.50 NA 53.50

Equal-area simple feature geometries via Daily Kos

# devtools::install_github("yutannihilation/ggsflabel")
PresElectionResults::xsf_HexCDv30wm |> 
  ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(aes(fill = state),
          color = 'white') +

  geom_sf_text(data = PresElectionResults::xsf_HexSTv30wm,
                          aes(label = state_abbrev),
                          size = 3,
                          color='black') +
  ## scale_fill_distiller(palette = "RdBu", direction=-1) +
        legend.position = 'none') +
labs(title = "Equal-area US Congressional District geometry",
     caption = "Source: DailyKos")

PresElectionResults::xsf_TileOutv10 %>% 
  ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(aes(fill = state),
           color = 'white') +
  geom_sf(data = PresElectionResults::xsf_TileInv10, 
          fill = NA, 
          show.legend = F, 
          lwd=.5) +
  geom_sf_text(data = PresElectionResults::xsf_TileInv10,
                          aes(label = state_abbrev),
                          size = 3,
                          color='black') +
  ##scale_fill_distiller(palette = "RdBu", direction=-1) +
        legend.position = 'none') +
labs(title = "Equal-area US State geometry",
     caption = "Source: DailyKos")

FRED Historical Population Data

PresElectionResults::fred_pop_by_state |>
year state_abbrev NAME population
1900 AL Alabama 1830000
1900 AK Alaska NA
1900 AZ Arizona 124000
1900 AR Arkansas 1314000
1900 CA California 1490000
1900 CO Colorado 543000