
spaCy & scispacy wrappers

Primary LanguagePython

Some spaCy & scispacy wrapper functions

Updated: 2024-01-12

An attempt at organizing some spaCy workflows, including some functions for disentangling spaCy output as data frames.

Conda environment

conda create -n scispacy051 python==3.9

conda activate scispacy051

conda update --all
conda install nmslib pandas numpy
pip install dframcy

pip install scispacy==0.5.1

conda install spacy -c conda-forge
pip install https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ai2-s2-scispacy/releases/v0.5.1/en_core_sci_sm-0.5.1.tar.gz
pip install https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ai2-s2-scispacy/releases/v0.5.1/en_core_sci_md-0.5.1.tar.gz


## <R-console>
Sys.setenv(RETICULATE_PYTHON = "/home/jtimm/miniconda3/envs/scispacy051/bin/python")
reticulate::use_condaenv(condaenv = "scispacy051",
                         conda = "/home/jtimm/miniconda3/bin/conda")

News article corpus

dd.df <- textpress::web_scrape_urls(x = 'Alzheimer Disease', cores = 10) |>
df <- reticulate::r_to_py(dd.df)


import sys
import spacyHelp
import pandas as pd
import os
import spacy
import scispacy
#nlp = spacy.load("en_core_sci_sm")
#nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")

Scispacy components

  • en_ner_bc5cdr_md, A spaCy NER model trained on the BC5CDR corpus. For disease and chemical NER. Details for additional models available here.

Another option is to use the generic scispacy “mention detector”, and then link to UMLS, eg.

  • An abbreviation detector.

  • An entity linker – here umls, but mesh, rxnorm, go, and hpo are also available knowledge bases that can be linked to.

  • A hyponym detector.

nlp = spacy.load("en_ner_bc5cdr_md")
nlp.add_pipe("sentencizer", first=True)

from scispacy.abbreviation import AbbreviationDetector

from scispacy.linking import EntityLinker
  config={"resolve_abbreviations": True, 
  "linker_name": "mesh"})
linker = nlp.get_pipe("scispacy_linker")

from scispacy.hyponym_detector import HyponymDetector
  last = True, 
  config={"extended": True})
## ['sentencizer', 'tok2vec', 'tagger', 'attribute_ruler', 'lemmatizer', 'parser', 'ner', 'merge_entities', 'abbreviation_detector', 'scispacy_linker', 'hyponym_detector']

Spacy annotate

texts = list(r.df['text'])
doc = list(nlp.pipe(texts))

Extraction functions

Standard annotation

sp_df = spacyHelp.spacy_extract_df(doc)
reticulate::py$sp_df |>
  slice(1:5) |> knitr::kable()
doc_id token token_order sent_id lemma ent_type tag dep pos is_stop is_alpha is_digit is_punct
0 Alzheimer’s disease 0 0 alzheimer’s disease DISEASE NN nsubjpass NOUN FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE
0 is 1 0 be VBZ auxpass AUX TRUE TRUE FALSE FALSE
0 impact 4 0 impact VB xcomp VERB FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE

Entities & linking

sp_entities = spacyHelp.spacy_extract_entities(
  linker = linker)
reticulate::py$sp_entities |>
  sample_n(15) |> knitr::kable()
doc_id sent_id entity label start end start_char end_char uid descriptor score
28 2 amyloid PET CHEMICAL 67 68 420 431 D000682 Amyloid 0.83
17 163 ADAD DISEASE 5550 5551 27931 27935 D007589 Job Syndrome 0.80
40 22 inflammation DISEASE 657 658 3449 3461 D007249 Inflammation 1.00
51 125 androsterone sulfate CHEMICAL 3548 3549 20477 20497 D043266 Steryl-Sulfatase 0.76
49 46 DISEASE 1049 1050 6492 6493 NA NA NaN
0 13 constipation DISEASE 294 295 1655 1667 D003248 Constipation 1.00
71 7 dementia DISEASE 120 121 703 711 D003704 Dementia 1.00
52 266 MAPT DISEASE 7529 7530 41788 41792 D008869 Microtubule-Associated Proteins 0.89
5 32 Tau CHEMICAL 1079 1080 6163 6166 D016875 tau Proteins 0.82
7 8 dementia DISEASE 239 240 1314 1322 D003704 Dementia 1.00
50 527 Herpes simplex virus type 1 and other pathogens DISEASE 8651 8652 48582 48629 D018259 Herpesvirus 1, Human 0.78
63 13 obesity DISEASE 262 263 1530 1537 D009765 Obesity 1.00
46 3 dementia DISEASE 104 105 628 636 D003704 Dementia 1.00
85 40 amyloid CHEMICAL 745 746 4124 4131 D000682 Amyloid 1.00
0 3 dementia DISEASE 107 108 631 639 D003704 Dementia 1.00


sp_abbrevs = spacyHelp.spacy_extract_abbrevs(doc)
reticulate::py$sp_abbrevs |>
  distinct(abrv, .keep_all = T) |>
  sample_n(15) |> knitr::kable()
doc_id abrv start end long_form
51 DHEAS 8578 8579 dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate
51 OAT3 8131 8132 organic anion transporter 3
51 PERADES 1859 1860 Polygenic , and Environmental Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease
5 MCI 100 101 mild cognitive impairment
42 MS 362 363 multiple sclerosis
17 RMSE 3109 3110 root mean square error
4 ADDF 965 966 Alzheimer ’s Drug Discovery Foundation ’s
17 CIHR 10349 10350 Canadian Institutes of Health Research
76 PBA 65 66 4-phenylbutyrate
14 GWAS 41 42 Genome-Wide Association Study
17 APP 1020 1021 amyloid precursor protein
52 DTT 5964 5965 dithiothreitol
31 ADNI 613 614 Alzheimer ’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
52 BCA 5766 5767 bicinchoninic acid
88 NIH 47 48 National Institutes of Health

Noun phrases

sp_noun_phrases = spacyHelp.spacy_extract_nps(doc)
reticulate::py$sp_noun_phrases |>
  sample_n(10) |> knitr::kable()
doc_id sent_id nounc start end
85 29 possible hope 494 496
17 37 negative EYO values 1185 1188
76 14 the most prominent protein aggregates 500 505
83 23 the bubbles 574 576
70 8 their caregivers 149 151
51 410 a historical cohort study 8357 8361
52 86 TREM2 signaling 2342 2344
51 40 that 988 989
56 11 Cerebrospinal fluid 288 290
51 2 you 27 28


Works better with nlp.add_pipe(“merge_entities”)

sp_hearst = spacyHelp.spacy_extract_hyponyms(doc)
reticulate::py$sp_hearst |>
  select(doc_id, sbj, pred, obj) |>
  sample_n(15) |> knitr::kable()
doc_id sbj pred obj
11 processes such_as neuronal hyperplasticity
8 processes such_as nerve cell growth
52 subtype compare_to controls
88 dementia-related diseases like vascular dementia
10 lack be_a there
51 functions include activities
7 conditions such_as heart disease
78 imaging studies include immunotherapy
17 pipeline include registration
60 conditions such_as stroke
50 partner other society
58 link be_a there
76 neurodegenerative disorders like_other disease
53 biomarkers that include
81 variations such_as barrier impairment

Relation types:

reticulate::py$sp_hearst |>
  count(pred) |>
pred n
and-or_any_other 2
be_a 41
compare_to 28
eg 2
for_example 17
include 181
like 25
like_other 2
mainly 1
other 47
other_than 1
particularly 3
such_as 106
type 5
whether 5



sp_sentences = spacyHelp.spacy_extract_sentences(doc)
reticulate::py$sp_sentences |>
  sample_n(5) |> knitr::kable()
doc_id sent_id text
83 49 That same year, Antonio Regalado reported some of the first exciting results of the Alzheimer’s drug aducanumab.
40 24 We have a process where we can take anyone’s natural killer cells, whether or not we take them from somebody who’s young and healthy or somebody who’s had multiple courses of chemotherapy and whose immune system has been beaten up, we can take the natural killer cells and grow them in a way that’s non-genetically modified, but we can turn them into billions of highly enhanced, highly aggressive cells where we dramatically increase the strength of the natural killer cell, the killing potential.
8 28 Neither your address nor the recipient’s address will be used for any other purpose.
6 12 Strategies targeting eradicating or managing bacterial infections in the stomach may emerge as potential interventions to mitigate Alzheimer’s risk [4].
60 41 Some people with memory problems have a condition called mild cognitive impairment (MCI).


Eyre, A.B. Chapman, K.S. Peterson, J. Shi, P.R. Alba, M.M. Jones, T.L. Box, S.L. DuVall, O. V Patterson, Launching into clinical space with medspaCy: a new clinical text processing toolkit in Python, AMIA Annu. Symp. Proc. 2021 (in Press. (n.d.). http://arxiv.org/abs/2106.07799.

Kormilitzin, A., Vaci, N., Liu, Q., & Nevado-Holgado, A. (2021). Med7: A transferable clinical natural language processing model for electronic health records. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 118, 102086.

Neumann, M., King, D., Beltagy, I., & Ammar, W. (2019). ScispaCy: fast and robust models for biomedical natural language processing. arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.07669.