This is the source code for a game I wrote for Game programming course ( at Tampere University of Techology.
Source written by me can be found at following directories:
- jni/src/
- src/org/oh2710/
- The Game gets slow when number of asteroids increases because the gravitation computation (Game::Step) needs n^2 time.
- The Game can't be closed easily on Android. Killing C++ main loop doesn't close Android window.
- JSON asset system for objects was developed at the beginning of development.
- It's not used on all parts of code (properties of levels, bombs etc.) because I had not enough time.
- will generate a .cpp-file from .json files (embedding images etc). I chose this solution so that there would be no need for file access (eg. where the hell do asset files go?) on Android. However, I later noticed that SDL has IO api that works fine on Android.
CMake takes care of building Box2D. SDL, SDL2_gfx and SDL2_ttf need to be installed manually (from included sources if distribution doesn't offer recent enough packages).
cd jni/SDL
mkdir build
cd build
../configure --prefix=/usr/local
make -j5
sudo make install
cd ../../..
cd jni/sdl2gfx-code
mkdir build
cd build
../configure --prefix=/usr/local
make -j5
sudo make install
cd ../../..
cd jni/SDL_ttf
mkdir build
cd build
../configure --prefix=/usr/local
make -j5
sudo make install
cd ../../..
mkdir release
cd release
cmake ..
make -j5
mkdir debug
cd debug
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
make -j5
gdb ./peli
Prequisites: Android SDK and NDK.
android update project
Ndk-build will take care of building Box2D / SDL for Android.
Makefile at root of the project will run ndk-build and ant. Ndk-build compiles c++ code. Ant compiles jave code and packages program into .apk. Make will also try to send .apk to connected Android phone using adb.
Player has lives (shown on topleft corner). They will be reduced if asteroid or bomb hits planet. Game will end if lives reach zero.
Player has limited number of weapons.
Player has points. Player will get points for destroying Asteroids. Game goes on forever.
Weapons recharge over time. There is cap for weapons.
On desktop the weapons can be selected with keys 1 to 4.
Detonates one asteroid. Other asteroids will go through the explosion unharmed. Slightly heavier than others.
Creates big explosion when it hits asteroid. Other asteroids that pass through explosion get destroyed.
Detonates one asteroid. If another asteroid passes through the explosion it'll explode continuing the chain.
Short laser beam. Easy to control and destroys everything that passes through it.