Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.

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A Quick and Dirty Bayesian Leslie Matrix Model of Norway HarpEast Data

Jay M. Ver Hoefa

aNOAA Fisheries (NMFS) Alaska Fisheries Science Center

As a scientific work, and in keeping with common scientific practicies, we kindly request that you cite our research project and applicable publications if you use our work(s) or data in your publications or presentations. Additionally, we strongly encourage and welcome collaboration to promote use of these data in the proper context and scope. The publication is currently in revision:

Executive Summary

MCMC sampling for a simple harp seal model with a 2-age Leslie matrix model where parameters are stochastic from year to year, but each parameter has a common prior across years. There are also priors on starting values for adults and pups, and a prior that controls density-dependent decay in fecundity.


Installation of this R data package is done through the devtools::install_github() function or by downloading the source package from the latest release.


Examine the Example Data

The data are embedded in the R package


The scripts below show how the data were created (but is unnecessary to re-create).

The data were created from CSV files stored here

system.file("rawdata/catch_data.csv", package = "MCMCharp")

system.file("rawdata/pup_production.csv", package = "MCMCharp")

using this script

system.file("rawdata/createData.R", package = "MCMCharp")

You can navigate to this script and run it in you favorite R environment if you want to modify the data from scratch.

A PDF Presentation on Model and Results

A pdf presentation on the model can be found here

system.file("doc/NAMMCO_Harpeast.pdf", package = "MCMCharp")

The LATEX file that produced the presentation can be found here

system.file("doc/NAMMCO_Harpeast.tex", package = "MCMCharp")

and all figures can be found in this subdirectory

system.file("doc/figure", package = "MCMCharp")

with the R script that created the figures here

system.file("doc/figure/create_pdf_figures.R", package = "MCMCharp")

Run R Scripts

Running MCMC code

The main file that runs the MCMC code is the function MCMCharp(). To see a list of options type


The arguments are named to match the description of the model, given in the pdf, which can be obtained as shown above.

To accept all defaults, and set a random number seed for repeatability, try

     W = MCMCharp(
       harvadu_data = catch_data$adu, 
       harvpup_data = catch_data$pup,
       pupcount_data = pup_production, 
       set_seed = 1001

This code, contained in an R script, can be found here,

system.file("scripts/runMCMC.R", package = "MCMCharp")

The results of this run are already stored, so if you don't want to wait, you can simply type


and go straight to graphics below.

Some Graphics

Here are some trace plots for MCMC sampling. More formal tests on convergence can be applied. A single R script file with all of the plots shown below can be found here

system.file("scripts/create_figures.R", package = "MCMCharp")

trace plot for N_adu[1]

plot(W$N_adu1, type = 'l')

trace plot for N_pup[1]

plot(W$N_pup1, type = 'l')

some trace plots for phi for several years (indices 1, 2, 59, 60)

plot(unlist(lapply(W$phi, function(x) x[[1]])), type = 'l')
plot(unlist(lapply(W$phi, function(x) x[[2]])), type = 'l')
plot(unlist(lapply(W$phi, function(x) x[[59]])), type = 'l')
plot(unlist(lapply(W$phi, function(x) x[[60]])), type = 'l')

some trace plots for delta for several years (indices 1, 2, 59, 60)

plot(unlist(lapply(W$delta, function(x) x[[1]])), type = 'l')
plot(unlist(lapply(W$delta, function(x) x[[2]])), type = 'l')
plot(unlist(lapply(W$delta, function(x) x[[59]])), type = 'l')
plot(unlist(lapply(W$delta, function(x) x[[60]])), type = 'l')

some trace plots for kappa for several years (indices 1, 2, 59, 60)

plot(unlist(lapply(W$kappa1, function(x) x[[1]])), type = 'l')
plot(unlist(lapply(W$kappa1, function(x) x[[2]])), type = 'l')
plot(unlist(lapply(W$kappa1, function(x) x[[59]])), type = 'l')
plot(unlist(lapply(W$kappa1, function(x) x[[60]])), type = 'l')

trace plot for rho

plot(W$rho, type = 'l')

fitted abundance and trajectory

  H_adu = catch_data$adu
  H_pup = catch_data$pup
  pp = pup_production
  plot((1:75) + 1944, 1:75, ylim = c(0, 2000000), type = 'n',
    xlab = 'Year', ylab = 'Population')
  nyrs = 75
  for(k in 1:1000) {
    N_adu <- rep(NA, times = nyrs)
    N_pup <- N_adu
    N_adu[1] <- W$N_adu1[k]
    N_pup[1] <- W$N_pup1[k]
    for(i in 2:nyrs) {
      N_adu[i] <- W$delta[[k]][i-1]*(N_adu[i-1]-H_adu[i-1]) + 
        W$kappa1[[k]][i-1]*(N_pup[i-1] - H_pup[i-1])
      N_pup[i] <- exp(-W$rho[k]*(N_adu[i-1]+N_pup[i-1])/100000)*
  lines((1:length(N_adu)) + 1944, N_adu, col = rgb(.5,.5,.5,.05))
  lines((1:length(N_adu)) + 1944, N_pup, col = rgb(.9,.1,.1,.03))
  points(pp[,c('year','est')], pch = 19, col = 'brown', cex = 2)
  lines(catch_data$year, catch_data$adu, lwd = 3)
  lines(catch_data$year, catch_data$pup, col = 'orange', lwd = 3)

priors for the following figures

pdelta_mu = 2.2
pdelta_sd = .5
pphi_mu = -.4
pphi_sd = .5
pkappa_mu = 1.4
pkappa_sd = .5
prho_mu = -4.0
prho_sd = .5
pN_pup1_mu = 300000
pN_pup1_sd =  50000
pN_adu1_mu = 1000000
pN_adu1_sd =  100000

Priors and Posteriors for phi for several years

  par_orig = par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  layout(matrix(1:4, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE))
  plot(density(logit(unlist(lapply(W$phi, function(x) x[[1]])))),
    main = '1946', xlab = 'logit(phi[1])', lwd = 2)
  lines((-30:30)/20 + pphi_mu, 
    dnorm((-30:30)/20 + pphi_mu, mean = pphi_mu, sd = pphi_sd), col = 'blue', lwd = 2)
  plot(density(logit(unlist(lapply(W$phi, function(x) x[[2]])))),
    main = '1947', xlab = 'logit(phi[2])', lwd = 2)
  lines((-30:30)/20 + pphi_mu, 
    dnorm((-30:30)/20 + pphi_mu, mean = pphi_mu, sd = pphi_sd), col = 'blue', lwd = 2)
  plot(density(logit(unlist(lapply(W$phi, function(x) x[[59]])))),
    main = '2003', xlab = 'logit(phi[59])', lwd = 2)
  lines((-30:30)/20 + pphi_mu, 
    dnorm((-30:30)/20 + pphi_mu, mean = pphi_mu, sd = pphi_sd), col = 'blue', lwd = 2)
  plot(density(logit(unlist(lapply(W$phi, function(x) x[[60]])))),
    main = '2004', xlab = 'logit(phi[60])', lwd = 2)
  lines((-30:30)/20 + pphi_mu, 
    dnorm((-30:30)/20 + pphi_mu, mean = pphi_mu, sd = pphi_sd), col = 'blue', lwd = 2)

priors and posteriors for delta for several years

  par_orig = par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  layout(matrix(1:4, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE))
  plot(density(logit(unlist(lapply(W$delta, function(x) x[[1]])))),
    main = '1946', xlab = 'logit(delta[1])', lwd = 2)
  lines((-30:30)/20 + pdelta_mu, 
    dnorm((-30:30)/20 + pdelta_mu, mean = pdelta_mu, sd = pdelta_sd), col = 'blue', lwd = 2)
  plot(density(logit(unlist(lapply(W$delta, function(x) x[[2]])))),
    main = '1947', xlab = 'logit(delta[2])', lwd = 2)
  lines((-30:30)/20 + pdelta_mu, 
    dnorm((-30:30)/20 + pdelta_mu, mean = pdelta_mu, sd = pdelta_sd), col = 'blue', lwd = 2)
  plot(density(logit(unlist(lapply(W$delta, function(x) x[[59]])))),
    main = '2003', xlab = 'logit(delta[59])', lwd = 2)
  lines((-30:30)/20 + pdelta_mu, 
    dnorm((-30:30)/20 + pdelta_mu, mean = pdelta_mu, sd = pdelta_sd), col = 'blue', lwd = 2)
  plot(density(logit(unlist(lapply(W$delta, function(x) x[[60]])))),
    main = '2004', xlab = 'logit(delta[60])', lwd = 2)
  lines((-30:30)/20 + pdelta_mu, 
    dnorm((-30:30)/20 + pdelta_mu, mean = pdelta_mu, sd = pdelta_sd), col = 'blue', lwd = 2)

priors and posteriors for kappa for several years

  par_orig = par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  layout(matrix(1:4, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE))
  plot(density(logit(unlist(lapply(W$kappa1, function(x) x[[1]])))),
    main = '1946', xlab = 'logit(kappa[1])', lwd = 2)
  lines((-30:30)/20 + pkappa_mu, 
    dnorm((-30:30)/20 + pkappa_mu, mean = pkappa_mu, sd = pkappa_sd), col = 'blue', lwd = 2)
  plot(density(logit(unlist(lapply(W$kappa1, function(x) x[[2]])))),
    main = '1947', xlab = 'logit(kappa[2])', lwd = 2)
  lines((-30:30)/20 + pkappa_mu, 
    dnorm((-30:30)/20 + pkappa_mu, mean = pkappa_mu, sd = pkappa_sd), col = 'blue', lwd = 2)
  plot(density(logit(unlist(lapply(W$kappa1, function(x) x[[59]])))),
    main = '2003', xlab = 'logit(kappa[59])', lwd = 2)
  lines((-30:30)/20 + pkappa_mu, 
    dnorm((-30:30)/20 + pkappa_mu, mean = pkappa_mu, sd = pkappa_sd), col = 'blue', lwd = 2)
  plot(density(logit(unlist(lapply(W$kappa1, function(x) x[[60]])))),
    main = '2004', xlab = 'logit(kappa[60])', lwd = 2)
  lines((-30:30)/20 + pkappa_mu, 
    dnorm((-30:30)/20 + pkappa_mu, mean = pkappa_mu, sd = pkappa_sd), col = 'blue', lwd = 2)

prior and posterior for rho

plot(density(log(W$rho)), xlim = c(-5.5, -1.5),
  xlab = 'log(rho)', lwd = 2)
lines((-30:30)/30 + prho_mu, 
  dnorm((-30:30)/30 + prho_mu, mean = prho_mu, sd = prho_sd), col = 'blue', lwd = 2)

priors and posteriors for first eigenvalue for several years, both with and without density dependence factor (without it we obtain intrinsic growth at very low population values, with little density dependence)

  par_orig = par(no.readonly = TRUE)
  layout(matrix(1:4, ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE))
  evals = 1:1000
  for(k in 1:1000) {
    M = matrix(0, nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
    M[1,2] = unlist(lapply(W$phi, function(x) x[[1]]))[k]
    M[2,1] = unlist(lapply(W$kappa1, function(x) x[[1]]))[k]
    M[2,2] = unlist(lapply(W$delta, function(x) x[[1]]))[k]
    evals[k] = eigen(M)$values[1]
  plot(density(evals), main = '1946, No Dens Dep',
    xlab = 'Posterior First Eigenvalue')
  evals = 1:1000
  for(k in 1:1000) {
    M = matrix(0, nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
    M[1,2] = exp(-W$rho[k]*(N_adu[i-1]+N_pup[i-1])/100000)*
      unlist(lapply(W$phi, function(x) x[[1]]))[k]
    M[2,1] = unlist(lapply(W$kappa1, function(x) x[[1]]))[k]
    M[2,2] = unlist(lapply(W$delta, function(x) x[[1]]))[k]
    evals[k] = eigen(M)$values[1]
  plot(density(evals), main = '1946, Dens Dep',
    xlab = 'Posterior First Eigenvalue')   
  evals = 1:1000
  for(k in 1:1000) {
    M = matrix(0, nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
    M[1,2] = unlist(lapply(W$phi, function(x) x[[59]]))[k]
    M[2,1] = unlist(lapply(W$kappa1, function(x) x[[59]]))[k]
    M[2,2] = unlist(lapply(W$delta, function(x) x[[59]]))[k]
    evals[k] = eigen(M)$values[1]
  plot(density(evals), main = '2003, No Dens Dep',
    xlab = 'Posterior First Eigenvalue')
  evals = 1:1000
  for(k in 1:1000) {
    M = matrix(0, nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
    M[1,2] = exp(-W$rho[k]*(N_adu[i-1]+N_pup[i-1])/100000)*
      unlist(lapply(W$phi, function(x) x[[59]]))[k]
    M[2,1] = unlist(lapply(W$kappa1, function(x) x[[59]]))[k]
    M[2,2] = unlist(lapply(W$delta, function(x) x[[59]]))[k]
    evals[k] = eigen(M)$values[1]
  plot(density(evals), main = '2003, Dens Dep',
    xlab = 'Posterior First Eigenvalue')


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