
an awesome list of internet services that don't require logins or registrations

Awesome Loginless Awesome

A curated list of awesome internet services that normally you would have to register for, but due to clever approaches on the part of the service you can use without registering, creating an account and filling endless forms.


  • patchbay.pub - An elegant kind of pubsub platform that enables you to do notifications from one machine to another, execute custom services when a notification is received, receiving webhooks on a local machine, making a chat app, a job queue, hosting webpages, sharing files.
  • Formspree - Put a form on your site, write your address in the HTML and get the submissions on your email.
  • JSONBIN.io and jsonbox.io are places to save, update and query any kind of JSON data, to be used in small-scale web apps in general.
  • Volatile and KEY/VALUE provide you with a key-value store as a service. Store and retrieve string values using an open API.
  • Tinysheet - Light, mobile-optimized 2×10 spreadsheets that run locally.
  • Franchise - A notebook for SQL: easy charts, compare queries, download and share. SQLite, Postgres, MySQL, BigQuery, XLSX, JSON, CSV.
  • Microlink – Turns websites into data.


  • image-charts.com - Display many types of charts, graphviz graphs, animated GIFs and QR codes from an URL, works also as a drop-in replacement for Google Image Charts. quickchart.io is specialized in charts and can render some pretty ones, and also QR codes.
  • Itty Bitty - Create websites contained entirely on their URLs, share as QR code, tweets etc.
  • write.as and telegra.ph allow you to write and publish articles minimalistically.
  • Bitclouds - Get an anonymous VPS instance payable by the hour with satoshis.
  • Seashells will pipe output from a command line to a webpage in real-time and store it (for how long?). echo 'something' | nc seashells.io 1337
  • sprunge.us and clbin are pastebins that work from the command line with curl, termbin is similar but with netcat/nc.


  • curl mail - curl curlmail.co/john@example.com to send email.
  • Mailinator, Maildrop, Nada and other disposable email address services allow you to use one or multiple email addresses without registering (everything is public). Emaildrop has even a public API!
  • Whereby and Jitsi offer instant video chat rooms over webRTC. room.sh goes one step further and offers that plus collaborative code editors, document editors and drawable whiteboards.
  • Shick - instant chat rooms.

Development Tools

  • localhost.run - Get a public URL for a program running on localhost, no installation needed, uses ssh.
  • crossorigin.me - A CORS proxy.
  • Beeceptor - HTTP request mocking and intercepting. Fake your API until you have it ready. Also the old Request Bin is now live, with a new, pretty good, UI. Mocky provides a dead simple way to mock/fake API endpoints, while JSONPlaceholder comes up with a set of common-use REST API endpoints with fake data, much like Star Wars API and Pókemon API.
  • redirect.name - Configure simple and custom domain redirects and URL forwarding with just two DNS records.
  • dynamic.name - Dynamic DNS without logins and over DNS itself (nslookup will update your subdomain), but you still need a password for each subdomain.
  • RoboHash - Generates unique avatars from usernames or any text.


  • Lightning Poker - Play multiplayer no-limit Texas Hold'em Poker online with real satoshis.
  • CoinRebates - Just paste a Bitcoin address, get a link and shop, shop, get the rebate.


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