
Collection of various configuration files used across my machines.

Primary LanguagePerl

Collection of various configuration files used across my machines.

General (Linux + OS X)

  • vim config
  • tmux config
  • aliases (aliases.sh)

Arch Linux specific

  • GUI & Eye candy
    • openbox: window manager
      • obconf
      • lxappearance
      • lxappearance-obconf
    • bspwm: window manager
      • bspwm (config: ~/.config/bspwm/bspwmrc)
    • sxhkd: Simple X HotKey Daemon (config: ~/.config/sxhkd/sxhkdrc)
    • i3-gap: fork of i3, a tiling window manager (~/.config/i3/config)
      • i3blocks
    • compton-git [aur]: composite manager (config: ~/.config/compton.conf)
    • tint2: taskbar, systray (config: ~/.config/tint2/tint2rc)
    • stalonetray: systray
    • Themes installed:
    • Synapse (synapse): application and file launcher
    • rofi: launcher, window manager, etc. (config: ~/.Xresources)
  • rxvt-unicode (urxvt): terminal
  • termite: terminal (config: ~/.config/termite/config)
  • maim: screenshots
  • IBus: input system for foreign characters
    • ibus
    • ibus-hangul: for Korean
    • ibus-anthy: for Japanese
  • Fonts installed
    • Terminus (terminus-font)
    • Dejavu (ttf-dejavu)
    • Font Awesome (ttf-font-awesome, awesome-terminal-fonts)
    • Source Han Sans (adobe-source-han-sans-otc-fonts): set of fonts that covers CJK + more by Adobe
    • Envy Code R (aur/ttf-envy-code-r)
    • Ubuntu fonts (ttf-ubuntu-font-family)
    • Roboto (aur/ttf-roboto)
    • Naver Nanum fonts (aur/ttf-nanum)
    • Nanum Gothic Coding font (aur/ttf-nanumgothic_coding)
    • Monaco (aur/ttf-monaco)
  • CUDA-related packages installed
    • cuda
    • opencl-nvidia
    • glu (libGL.so, libGLU.so, libX11.so)
    • freeglut (for -lglut flag)



Mainly contains assets for GUI / eye candy (window decoration, etc.)

ArchNumix themes (variant of the Numix theme)

These should be un-tar'd and installed to /usr/share/themes

  • ArchNumixDark: Numix with Arch blue and dark-grey
  • ArchNumixLight: like ArchNumixDark but with light titlebar
  • ArchNumixChromium: like ArchNumixDark but adapted to fit the style of chromium
  • ArchNumixWeb: uses exactly the same colours as the Arch website
  • ArchNumixWebChromium: like ArchNumixWeb but adapted to fit the style of chromium
  • ArchNumixOSXLight: adapted to look like OSX Yosemite (the one used in the screenshots)
  • ArchNumixOSXDark: like ArchNumixOSXLight but with dark titlebar
  • ArchNumixWhite: looks a bit like Windows but has dark menus


Custom zsh scripts

Things that are not included in this repo