
Deploy a Dendrite Matrix server using Docker.

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Deploy a Dendrite (monolithic) Matrix server using Docker.


Targeting Ubuntu 20.04, contributions welcome for a larger set of platforms.


Developed and tested on Ansible 2.9.6.


You can install this role from Ansible Galaxy with:

ansible-galaxy install jaywink.ansible_dendrite

The Dendrite container exposes an HTTP endpoint on localhost port 8008. You will need to set up a reverse proxy to handle TLS and proxy any _matrix path traffic to the container.

A PostgreSQL database is also required.

Set the required variables for your play.

Generate a signing key as follows. You'll need a Golang binary in your path.

go get github.com/matrix-org/dendrite/cmd/generate-keys
go run github.com/matrix-org/dendrite/cmd/generate-keys --private-key=matrix_key.pem

Copy the contents of the generated matrix_key.pem file into the dendrite_matrix_key_pem variable.

Now you can run the play and get a fresh Dendrite.

Role Variables


  • dendrite_server_name - Dendrite server name (ie domain.tld)
  • dendrite_matrix_key_pem - The signing key
  • dendrite_db_host - Database hostname to use (PostgreSQL)
  • dendrite_db_password - Database password to use


  • dendrite_name - The name of the instance and user on the host to use, will be created (default: dendrite)
  • dendrite_container_name - Name to use for the Docker container (defaults to value of dendrite_name variable)
  • dendrite_docker_image - Docker image to use (defaults to: matrixdotorg/dendrite-monolith:v0.9.8)
  • dendrite_db_name - Database name to use (defaults to value of dendrite_name variable)
  • dendrite_db_username - Database user to use (defaults to value of dendrite_name variable)
  • dendrite_db_sslmode - Database SSL mode, set to false if your database is within an internal network (defaults to true)
  • dendrite_metrics_enabled - Whether to enable Prometheus metrics endpoint (default false)
  • dendrite_metrics_basic_auth_username - Username for basic auth of metrics (defaults to empty - no basic auth)
  • dendrite_metrics_basic_auth_password - Password for basic auth of metrics (defaults to empty - must be set if username is set)
  • dendrite_client_api_registration_enabled - Whether to allow registrations (defaults to true)
  • dendrite_client_api_registration_shared_secret - Registration shared secret for registering users (defaults to empty)
  • dendrite_container_labels - Labels to add to the container (defaults to empty dictionary)
  • dendrite_docker_networks - Additional docker networks to connect to (defaults to empty list)
  • dendrite_enabled_mscs - A list of MSC's to enable (defaults to empty, list should have lowercase items, for example msc2836)
  • dendrite_logging_file - Set to true to enable logging to file in addition to stdout (default false). Logs will go to /var/log/dendrite. WARNING! There is no auto-deletion of old logs.
  • dendrite_presence_enable_inbound - Set to true to enable inbound presence (defaults to false)
  • dendrite_presence_enable_outbound - Set to true to enable outbound presence (defaults to false)
  • dendrite_report_stats_enabled - Report statistics to matrix.org (defaults to false)





Author Information

Jason Robinson / @jaywink:federator.dev / https://jasonrobinson.me