
Ansible Huginn role with Docker

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

Ansible role - Huginn with Docker

Run Huginn using Docker.


Ansible 2.1+.

Install collections:

ansible-galaxy collection install community.docker

Role Variables

You must set the following.

# Use this to register to Huginn
huginn_invitation_code: changeme!

# Make sure this is unique, long and stored safe
huginn_secret: changeme!

# Your domain where Huginn lives
huginn_domain: huginn.local

Optional for customization (defaults given below):

# Enable to install apache to do reverse proxy, otherwise
# some Traefik labels will be exposed on the container or
# you can do your own reverse proxying to 3000 port on the
# container
huginn_apache: false

# Set to true to enable using for example the Shell Agent
huginn_enable_insecure_agents: 'false'

# You can disable HTTPS if SSL is terminated at the reverse proxy
huginn_https: true

# Use a custom docker image
huginn_image: huginn/huginn

# Email from
huginn_mail_from: huginn@domain.tld

# Mysql data location
huginn_mysql_path: /opt/huginn/mysql

# SMTP settings
huginn_smtp_domain: your-domain-here.com
huginn_smtp_password: somepassword
huginn_smtp_port: 587
huginn_smtp_server: smtp.domain.tld
huginn_smtp_username: you@domain.tld

# Timezone
huginn_timezone: Helsinki

# Twitter integration


Docker is required on the target host.

Depends on the following role if you use Apache2 (huginn_apache: true):

  • jaywink.letsencrypt

You MUST set a valid email for the LetsEncrypt cert in your playbook.

Example to include in playbook roles:

- role: jaywink.letsencrypt
    letsencrypt_pause_services: ["apache2"]
    letsencrypt_domain: "{{ huginn_domain }}"
    letsencrypt_request_www: false
    letsencrypt_force_renew: false
    letsencrypt_email: youremail@example.com

Example Playbook

- hosts: myhost
  become: yes
  become_user: root

    huginn_domain: huginn.example.com
    huginn_invitation_code: changeme!
    huginn_secret: changeme!

    - huginn


There is also a custom dockerfile that adds some utilities to the Huginn image, currently wget and curl. You can find the images at https://hub.docker.com/r/jaywink/huginn



Author Information

Jason Robinson / https://jasonrobinson.me / @jaywink:federator.dev