Just a little Python project to help identify, label and handle recorded audio.
Uses Discogs (https://github.com/discogs/discogs_client) to get release information. For this you need a Discogs API token.
For mp3 ID tags, eyeD3 library (http://eyed3.nicfit.net/) is used.
Filenames in source directory are in format CATNO_TRACK_CONDITION.mp3. So for example: LBL001_A_VG.mp3
- Uses Discogs API to get release, artist and track information.
- Asks user to confirm and choose when information is not clear.
- (optionally) Inserts release to MySQL DB with information from Discogs
- Sets mp3 ID tags and images, renames the files and copies them to given folder
Let me know if you find this useful (or need help using it) :)
Once filling record_tools.properties
with whatever is needed:
python process_files.py <path_to_source_files>