
Wiki documentation site for the OWASP ZAP HUD project

MIT LicenseMIT


Wiki documentation site for the OWASP ZAP HUD project


  • python
  • mkdocs
  • mkdocs-material


The primary dependencies are python and mkdocs.

Assuming python is already installed:

pip install mkdocs mkdocs-material

RECOMMENDATION: Run the project in virtualenv to localize dependencies and reduce conflicts across operating systems and versions of Python.


To contribute to the wiki:
  1. Fork this repository
  2. git clone https://github.com/your-user/zap-hud-wiki.git
  3. Submit pull requests back to this repository
Adding to the wiki:

See the official Mkdocs website documentation for information on how to add/edit pages.

Run Local Dev Server
  1. cd /path/to/zap-hud-wiki
  2. mkdocs serve
  3. Site will now be accessible at:
Build new release
  1. mkdocs build
  2. Generated site files will now be accessible in the site directory for deployment

Deployment is using Github Pages and using built in mkdocs Github Pages deployement. The following command will create and push to a gh-pages branch.

  1. mkdocs gh-deploy