
a custom hexagon view with recyclerview's custom hexagon layout manager. demostrate how to comstom a recyclerview layout manager.

Primary LanguageKotlin


This project demonstrate how to custom a recyclerview layout manager. In this example, i create a custome view named HexagonView. Bucause we create a not normal shape view, we should take over the touch and click event calculation. That is easy, i override the onTouchEvent method, and calculate touch is in the view's boundary by using android.graphics.Region#contains. If it's out of the ragion, just return false in onTouchEvent mathod. And then, the framework will dispatch the touch event to other views.

About The LayoutManager

It's obvious that, the layout manager manage the recyclerview's child's layout. We should focus on the onLayoutChildren method. In this method, we finish calculate our every child view's position and laid them out.
