
Virus Total Public API v2.0 PHP Wrapper Demo Application

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Demo Application builds on top of the Virus Total Public API v2.0 PHP Wrapper library (https://github.com/jayzeng/virustotal_apiwrapper)

This application is used to illustrate how to use the wrapper library and I would suggest you NOT to use it on production without carefully reviewing the source code. The app is built on top of angularjs (angularjs.org).

Project skeleton was generated with:



Dev Dependencies:

  • yo - yeoman (npm install yo)
  • bower (npm install bower)
  • grunt (npm install bower)
  • grunt-cli (npm install bower)
  • compass (gem install compass)

You may install them via npm install



Run local server

grunt server

Trigger unit test

grunt test

Deploy to your server:

grunt build

This generates all source code to the dist folder.

List available grunt tasks:

grunt --help