
Clone a git repository

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Clone a git repository via git shell command.



$ npm install git-clone

To use the original callback-based API:

const clone = require('git-clone');

As of 0.2.0 there's a promised-based API for use with async/await:

const clone = require('git-clone/promise');


Common Options

  • git: path to git binary; default: git (expected to be in your $PATH)
  • shallow: when true, clone with depth 1
  • checkout: revision/branch/tag to check out after clone
  • args: additional array of arguments to pass to git clone

NOTE: the args option allows arbitrary arguments to be passed to git; this is inherently insecure if used in combination with untrusted input. Only use the args option with static/trusted input!


clone(repo, targetPath, [options], cb)

Clone repo to targetPath, calling cb on completion; any error that occurred will be passed as the first argument. If no error is passed the git clone operation was successful.


async clone(repo, targetPath, [options])

Clone repo to targetPath, throwing an exception on failure.


Copyright & License

© 2014-2021 Jason Frame & Contributors [ @jaz303 / jason@onehackoranother.com ]

Released under the ISC license.