
React LinkedIn Learning Ecosystems Project (Adapted from Coursework Videos by Shaun Wassell)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Saddler ToDo Application

React LinkedIn Learning Ecosystems Project (Adapted from Coursework Videos by Shaun Wassell)

This project contains sources completed by hand while taking the "Building Modern Projects with React" course on LinkedIn Learning offered by Shaun Wassell.

This project was started in late Winter 2022.

Technologies in this Project

  • Webpack 5.75.0
  • Webpack CLI 5.0.1
  • Webpack Development Server 4.11.1
  • Babel 7
  • namely: Babel Core 7.20.5, Babel CLI 7.19.3, Babel Preset-ENV 7.20.2, Babel Preset React 7.18.6

Loaders used for Webpack

  • Style Loader 3.3.1
  • CSS Loader 6.7.2
  • Babel Loader 9.1.0