
React UDemy Work - Including the GitHub Finder App

Primary LanguageSCSS

React UDemy Repository - Including the GitHub Finder App from the React Front To Back Demonstration by Brad Traversy.

Maintainer: Jonathan A. Saddler, Ph. D.

Important pieces

This project uses:

  • React 16.8.6
  • React Dom 16.8.6
  • React Scripts 3.0.1

As of the date of first publishing this readme (Aug. 31, 2021) React 16.8.6 is the last version of React that has online documentation.

The expected look of this app.


Current Status of this App

(Jan 13) Main Page can be used to search for users.

Current Status of Main Page

(Jan 25) GitHub profile Page pulls info from GitHub profiles into the app.

Current Status of GitHub Profile Page


(Sep 25) Pulling images from GitHub API (api.github.com)

(Jan 13) Able to search for users on GitHub and pull them into the app.

Some Commands to Run to Start App

npm start

This command will start this project to test it out.

This project was bootstrapped with [Create React App] (https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app).

npm run build

not a required command.

Builds the app for production to the build folder. Also bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for better performance.