
Captcha solver with two step process: preprocess (Imagemagick 7) and OCR (Tesseract 4) for AWS lambda environment.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Captcha Solver

Solve captcha image with two step process: preprocess (with Imagemagick) and OCR (with Tesseract).


Run serverless deploy

sls deploy -s


Send POST request to API endpoint, with this payload

    "url" : "https://ib.bri.co.id/ib-bri/login/captcha",
    "preprocess" : "-flatten -fuzz 20% -trim +repage -white-threshold 5000 -type bilevel"	


Send POST request to API endpoint, with this payload

    "base64" : "data:image/PNG;base64,...",
    "preprocess" : "-flatten -fuzz 20% -trim +repage -white-threshold 5000 -type bilevel"	