
Solutions for CodeIT hackathon by the byteForce team

Primary LanguageCSS


An e-Learning Website with content / video sharing

File Structure

|--Client/                  -> Frontend
├── config/                 -> Configuration settings of various middlewares used like DB, Loggers, etc
├── middleware/             -> Contains custom middlewares for authentication, file upload etc.
├── models/                 -> Contains DB models
├── routes/                 -> Files exporting respective routers connecting routes to function in controllers
├── test/                   -> Contains Chai and Mocha tests for routes
├── app.js                  -> Sets up express app with routers, middlewares etc and exports it
├── index.js                -> Connects to DB and starts the server, file to be run for starting the app
└── package.json            -> Npm package.json file


  • Node.js v12.18.3
  • Express.js v4.17.1
  • Mongoose v5.8.10
  • Multer v1.4.2


  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • ReactJs (16.6+)
  • Material-UI (4.9.0)
  • ES6 JavaScript
  • axios (0.19.2)