Introduction ============ This is a distutils-packaged and updated version of the `beatbox module`_ by Simon Fell, which is a Python implementation of a client for the Partner Web Services API. .. _`beatbox module`: This module contains 2 versions of the client: XMLClient The original beatbox version of the client which returns xmltramp objects. PythonClient Marshalls the returned objects into proper Python data types. e.g. integer fields return integers. Compatibility ============= Beatbox supports versions 16.0 through 20.0 of the Salesforce Partner Web Services API. However, the following API calls have not been implemented at this time: * convertLead * emptyRecycleBin * invalidateSessions * logout * merge * process * queryAll * undelete * describeSObject * sendEmail * describeDataCategoryGroups * describeDataCategoryGroupStructures Beatbox has been tested with Python 2.4 and Python 2.6. Basic Usage Examples ==================== Instantiate a Python client: >>> svc = beatbox.PythonClient() >>> svc.login('username', 'passwordTOKEN') (Note that interacting with via the API requires the use of a 'security token' which must be appended to the password.) Query for contacts with last name 'Doe': >>> res = svc.query("SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName FROM Contact WHERE LastName='Doe'") >>> res[0] {'LastName': 'Doe', 'type': 'Contact', 'Id': '0037000000eRf6vAAC', 'FirstName': 'John'} >>> res[0].Id '0037000000eRf6vAAC' Add a new Lead: >>> contact = {'type': 'Lead', 'LastName': 'Glick', 'FirstName': 'David', 'Company': 'Individual'} >>> res = svc.create(contact) Get the ID of the newly created Lead: >>> res[0]['id'] '00Q7000000RVyiHEAT' More Examples ============= The examples folder contains the examples for the original beatbox. For examples on how to use the PythonClient see src/beatbox/tests/ Some of these other products that have been built on top of beatbox can also provide example of use: * `Salesforce Base Connector`_ * `Salesforce PFG Adapter`_ * `Salesforce Auth Plugin`_ * `RSVP for Salesforce`_ .. _`Salesforce Base Connector`: .. _`Salesforce PFG Adapter`: .. _`Salesforce Auth Plugin`: .. _`RSVP for Salesforce`: Alternatives ============ David Lanstein has created a `Python Salesforce Toolkit`_ that is based on the `suds`_ SOAP library. Based on limited tests it appears to be somewhat slower than beatbox for operations that return a lot of data; however, it may be a better option if you want to be able to automatically generate a service proxy for a new WSDL (such as for the Enterprise web services API). .. _`Python Salesforce Toolkit`: .. _`suds`: Ron Hess from has adapted beatbox for use with Google App Engine. See Running Tests ============= First, we need to add some custom fields to the Contacts object in your Salesforce instance: * Login to your instance * Browse to Setup --> Customize --> Contacts --> Fields --> "New" button * Add a Picklist (multi-select) labeled "Favorite Fruit", then add * Apple * Orange * Pear * Leave default of 3 lines and field name should default to "Favorite_Fruit" * Add a Number labeled "Favorite Integer", with 18 places, 0 decimal places * Add a Number labeled "Favorite Float", with 13 places, 5 decimal places Create a sfconfig file in your python path with the following format:: USERNAME='your salesforce username' PASSWORD='your salesforce passwordTOKEN' where TOKEN is your Salesforce API login token. Add './src' to your PYTHONPATH Run the tests:: python src/beatbox/tests/ python src/beatbox/tests/