
Code for implementing timing with MPM and SAM

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


This is the code to implement circuit as published by Seth W. Egger, Nhat M. Le, and Mehrdad Jazayeri. "A neural circuit model for human sensorimotor timing." Nature Communications (2020).

  • The MPM is implemented in MPM_simulations.ipynb; supplemental analysis of saved output can be ran in MATLAB using productionModule.
  • The SAM, 1-2-Go and 1-2-3-Go simulations are implemented in SAM_simulations.ipynb
  • The full circuit model optimation of alpha and analysis of response to ISI perturbations is implemented in K_alpha_perturbations.ipynb; supplemental analyses of saved output is implemented in MATLAB using alphaOptimization.m, PeriodStepResponse.m, PhaseShiftResponse.m, and StimulusJitterResponse.m
  • The full circuit model, and simulations of the synchronization-continuation task are implemented in SynchronizationContinuation.ipynb

System requirements: Python 3.5.4; JupyterLab 4.3.0; MATLAB R2017a

Code has been tested with Python v3.5.4 and MATLAB R2017a.