
Puppet module for configuring basic system preferences in Mac OS X

Primary LanguagePuppet


Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Usage
  3. Limitations


This Puppet module provides basic system configuration of a Mac OS X system using the 'systemsetup' utility.


class { 'systemsetup': 
  remote_login          => true,
  time_zone             => 'Europe/London',
  use_network_time      => true,
  network_time_server   => 'time.apple.com',
  computer_sleep_mins   => 30,
  display_sleep_mins    => 5,
  harddisk_sleep_mins   => 20

Parameters are fairly self-explanatory and are documented in 'man systemsetup', they are also all optional.

Computer/display/harddisk sleep minutes can be set to Never by setting the relevant parameters to 0.

Puppet > 3.0 users can also pass in parameters using hiera variables:

systemsetup::remote_login: true    


This module only implements a subset of configuration items provided by the 'systemsetup' command.