CRUD Implementation using SpringBoot and Angular

Requirements to run:

  • Docker (v4.15.0 or newer)
  • Java 17
  • NodeJS (v18.16.0 or newer)
  • npm (v9.5.1 or newer)


  1. Make sure docker deamon is running
  2. In cmd, navigate to the crudbackend directory
    1. Run docker-compose up . It should start a mySQL server instance on localhost:3306
    2. In your Java IDE of choice, open the crudbackend directory as a project and run the
    3. If there are no errors, your backend will now be accessible on localhost:8080
  3. In cmd, navigate to the crudfrontend directory
    1. Run npm install
    2. Once the dependencies are downloaded, run ng serve to start the server
    3. If there are no errors, your frontend will now be accessible on localhost:4200