
Repository for my Presentation at the 2018 Mac Admins Conference @ PSU

Primary LanguageShell

AutoPkg Level-Up

If you’re watching the video of my session at the 2018 Mac Admins Conference at Penn State, you can follow along with the demos by ensuring you have the following apps installed on your Mac (you may want to run them once in advance to get rid of the Gatekeeper messages):

All the demo segments assume that you have downloaded and installed AutoPkg (Neagle, Sutton, Olofsson, et al) and git, either from within AutoPkgr or on their own.

Source Files

Here are the source recipes mentioned in the presentation:

The files that were created/edited in the demo are shared in this repo — you may find it easier to read those files in a text editor or web browser than on the projector screen). My full AutoPkg recipe repo is jazzace-recipes.

Slide Deck

The slides, with numerous live links, can be downloaded as a PDF from this repository.

Related Blog Posts

As you may have noticed, there are a few extra slides in the miscellany section that I did not have time to address, and there was some content I rushed through a bit. I have started a series of blog posts on my MacLabs blog to cover some of those topics in more detail as well as any of my latest findings. Just look for the Package Emoji (📦) for AutoPkg-related posts.