
box2d+liquidfun wrapper for the Beef Programming Language

Primary LanguageBeefMIT LicenseMIT

box2d-beef box2d wrapper for the Beef Programming Language

box2d - Actually a box2d fork with liquidfun merged into it!


  • To initialize submodules run git submodule update --init --recursive


  • Visual Studio 2019 Community/Professional (it can be built with other versions though, check build_windows_vs2019.cmd for more information)
  • To build prerequisites run build_windows_vs2019.cmd


  • To build prerequisites run ./build_macos.sh


  • To build prerequisites run ./build_linux.sh


Open workspace and set Example as Startup project and Run! MacOS/Linux can be built and run with provided VSCode project (expects Beef git clone in the same root folder as this project).

The library is pure C wrapper, so no classes, just structs and "pointers" , intended for people who wish to wrap it their own way. Example:

b2Vec2 gravity = .(0.0f, -10.0f);
var world = World.Create(ref gravity);
b2FixtureDef fd = .();
fd.shape = shape;
fd.density = 20.0f;
fd.friction = 0.1f;

for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
   b2BodyDef bd = .();
   bd.type = .b2_dynamicBody;
   bd.position = .(-6.0f + 1.0f * i, 11.25f);
   var body = World.CreateBody(world, &bd);
   Body.CreateFixture(body, &fd);

Future work

iOS and Android build scripts.