Jasmine Cheung

Skills | Current Projects | Education | Experience | Interests | Contact | Portfolio

I am a dedicated full-stack software engineer who carries logical thinking to overcome challenges, write fully tested and extensible codes as well as to build scalable apps. My backgrounds in both professional sports field and recruitment industry involve tremendous of decision making, team collaboration and planning works which built a solid ground of various soft skills including self-initiative, structural-learning and problem solving.

Having recently completed an intensive 12 weeks of Makers Academy, I have grown from an interested amateur coder into a competent and confident junior developer with fast learning skill to quickly ramp up on new technologies and domains.

I am currently looking to take on a career in the tech scene of London, where I can further expand my knowledge in Full-Stack and Back End development.

  • Languages and Frameworks: Ruby, Sinatra, Capybara, JavaScript, Node.js, Express, React, HTML, CSS, Handlebars
  • Testing Libraries: Rspec, React Testing Library, Cypress, Jest
  • Database and Related Tech: SQL, Postgres, TablePlus, MongoDB, MongoDB Compass, Mongoose
  • Development Tech: Command Line, Git, GitHub, Travis CI, Postman
  • Development Methodologies: Agile methodologies, TDD, BDD, Object oriented programming, Systematic Debugging, Data-structures and Algorithms

Team Collaborator

Cultivated in team sports for almost 2 decades, I value effective communication in requesting and receiving feedback. Applying those skills in the boot camp's projects, I have proactively acquired feedback from teammates and listened to their approaches to certain problems which have successfully come up with agreed solutions without escalating disagreements into conflicts. For example, before the project Sportify kicks off, we have a group meeting to get to know the way how they would like to receive feedback and the expectation of this project. During the development phase, we run regular standups to report progress and share blockers. Considering the time constraint, we agreed to scarify some fancy features, like connecting to Spotify API for a personalized song playlist to improve the user interface quality of the app, like a drop-down menu and creating a personalized exercise list.


I can adapt to high pressured and fast pace environments. Back in my time as a recruiter, I was promoted from junior consultant to team lead. I managed to keep hitting my deal records whilst coaching new joiners. Being adapted to greater responsibilities, I have expanded my pressure tank of organizing workloads. Moreover, as a professional athlete, I am committed to high-level performance sports which require a disciplined diet and a strict training schedule. This intensive training environment created a better version of myself and being able to push my limit and record further. I am proud to say I am an impact player on the field. I believe I can do so in the software engineering industry.


I am a self-starter and always get prepared for what I want to achieve. During my time in the recruitment field, I was ambitious about growing my network and business. I have on-onboarded more than 30 clients in the first year and consistently converted to profitable deals which echoed the business’ commercial aims. After leaving the recruitment industry, I set my goal to be a software engineer. Thus, before Makers, I have familiarised myself with coding, and frameworks and got to understand how software developments work. By utilizing different resources, like Udemy, freecodecamp, CodeWar, Google, Stack-over-flow, Edx, etc., I learned the way to solve the problems. During Maker, I have proactively asked different questions in the class and read external resources to understand technical concepts, like SSH and HTTP protocols. After Maker, I am offered a temporary volunteer backend engineer position in Develop for Good. I stepped up to be a leader of the project with responsibilities including domain modelling, server setting, database modelling, and related packages choice.

Problem Solving and Attention to detail

Having taken one of the hardest subjects, econometrics, in university, I am trained to solve the same problem with an analytical mindset. In the project Sportify, my main contribution was to set up the server and backend codes which involve RESTful API, database modelling, package installations, etc. I took into account time and space management on each code which made the app scalable and readable.

Project Description Code/Demo Links Technologies Used Testing Technologies
Sportify An exercise scheduling app with main features of weather checking and location tracking Demo React.js, Node.js, Express.js, Javascript, Mongoose, Nodemon, Axios, HTML, CSS, OpenWeather API, Geocoding API, MUI, Morgan, Rechart React Testing Library for the Front End, Jest for the Back End
Nachos Libro A clone of Facebook Demo JavaSript, Express, Node.js, Nodemon, Handlebars, Mongoose, ESLint - Jest for unit and feature test, Cypress for integration End-to-end testing
MakersBnB A clone of AirBnB Details Ruby, Sinatra, HTML, CSS, RSpec, Capybara, Postgres, ActiveRecord Rspec for both unit and feature tests

*All source code available on Github: https://github.com/jazzc001

Makers Academy (January 2022 to April 2022)

Highly selective 12 week intensive coding bootcamp.

  • Focus on Test Driven Development, with an emphasis on pair programming and working in an agile way
  • Object oriented programming & software design
  • Full stack web development
  • Curiosity and a hungry passion for code
  • Independent learner and problem-solver
  • Aspiration to software craftsmanship
  • Experience with MVC framework patterns
  • Final project: Sportify, an exercise scheduling app with the most prominent feature of automatic weather checking.

University of Exeter (September 2012 to July 2015)

BA Business Econometrics with Honours (Major in Econometrics)

Backend Engineer (Volunteer) (May 2022 to Now)

Develop for Good

  • A project leader in EDF Hazard to run standups with volunteers in different time zones and assign tickets using Git, GitHub and Trello
  • Responsible for setting up server, RESTAPI, MongoDB Atlas connection, testing library
  • CI/CD on Git Actions
  • An ongoing project which aimed to deploy on AWS EC2 and wrapped in Docker container

Technical Recruiter (October 2018 to August 2021)

Deployment in Nityo Infotech/Stanton House/Phaidon International

Focused on the Technology and Data Analytics side of the company. Working with technology professionals to bring talent to organisations across the Hong Kong and APAC region on a permanent and contract basis. I cover all disciplines across the Software Development Life-cycle. Typical roles I will recruit for will be as follows:

  • Data Scientists
  • Data Analytics Experts
  • AI Machine Learning
  • Software Developer
  • Scrum Master,
  • DevOps Engineer
  • CTO
  • Test Engineer
  • Project Manager
  • Business Analyst
  • Data Science

Our approach is based on getting close to our customers so that we fully understand their requirements and can deliver the right solution. We believe that the recruitment process works much more effectively if we build trusting relationships with candidates and clients alike.

Analyst (Internship) (January 2018 to Sep 2018)


Management Information Reporting:

  • Consistently track and report on key financial and operational metrics derived from a variety of internal systems and stakeholders
  • Support setting and calibration of key financial and operational metrics
  • Conduct relevant data analytics on financial and operational metrics
  • Communicate status to practice leadership on a regular basis
  • Monitor the status of existing opportunities related to key FSI risk areas, e.g. strategic risk, regulatory risk, financial risk, operational risk and cyber risk (including crisis management)

Pipeline and Opportunity Management:

  • Track current opportunities, wins, and losses across the practice
  • Provide pipeline reporting to practical leadership
  • Conduct relevant trend analytics relating to pipeline data

Staff Allocation Planning:

  • Maintain visibility of staff availability based on client service engagements, business development commitments, practice development commitments, and leave periods
  • Regularly communicate staff availability to practice leadership, including forecasted periods of under and over utilization
  • Provide decision support to staff allocation planning

Senior Women Rugby XV - HK Team Representitive (2015 to 2020)

Hong Kong Rugby Union


  • Selected in Netherland Test Match 2019
  • Selected in Scotland Select Test Trial Match 2019
  • Selected in Somoa Test Match 2019
  • Selected in Fiji Test match 2019
  • Selected in Perth Test Match 2018
  • Selected in Women’s Rugby World Cup 2017
  • Selected in Asia Rugby Women’s Championship 2017
  • Selected in Asia Rugby Women’s Championship 2016
  • **Rugby (Currently in WASPS Amateur Team) **
  • Crossfit