
Primary LanguageRust

TCR Tool


Current instructions for building:

  1. Install Rust
  2. Clone the Repo git clone https://github.com/jazzdan/tcr
  3. Cd into the repo and run cargo build
  4. The TCR binary should be installed to /target/debug/tcr


The tcr binary should be aliased or added to your $PATH variable to make it accessible from different directories.

To use the tool, run tcr on a local Git repo of your choice. The tool expects a .tcr file to be present in the directory where it's run. A .tcr file has the following structure:

    "build_cmd": "cargo build",
    "test_cmd": "cargo test",
    "revert_cmd": "git reset HEAD --hard",
    "commit_cmd": "git commit -am working"

The keys in the .tcr file must be literals per the example, but the command values should be modified to meet your needs. For example, the above is for a Rust project -- hence the cargo commands.