
Lightweight React based front end package, my personal replacement for CRA

Primary LanguageTypeScriptThe UnlicenseUnlicense


this thing

Appoggiatura, (from Italian appoggiare, “to lean”), in music, an ornamental note of long or short duration that temporarily displaces, and subsequently resolves into, a main note, usually by stepwise motion. During the Renaissance and early Baroque, the appoggiatura was of moderate length, averaging one-third of the main note, and was more in the nature of a melodic than a harmonic ornament. By the time of Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750), appoggiaturas were divided into two species: the short, which borrows an inconsiderable length from its main note and therefore has little effect on the harmony; and the long, which takes half or more of the length of its main note and therefore substantially affects the harmony, creating a dissonance that then resolves, on the main note, to a consonance. Because its purpose was mainly expressive, whether in purely melodic or harmonic terms, the typical appoggiatura in 17th- and 18th-century music occurred on the beat, rather than before it, “leaning” on the principal note, as suggested by the term’s derivation.

Directory strucuture:

Public directory ->

  • index.html
    • drop in any/all cdn tags, links to css files, external script tags

Src directory ->

  • components
    • page level components for mock up structure, login, sliding window, and footer
    • KANBAN: create styled component file for export of App-level component library
  • context
    • app.context provides context object for app level state maintainence
    • reducer provides an UPDATE method to create new state object
  • utils
    • API.auth provides a naive authentication protocol leveraging localStorage
    • hook.scrollHeight provides an object ->
      • { currentX, currentY, scrollDirection }
  • App/index.tsx/css
    • basic files for generating react based browser templates

Use cases:

  1. Multiple build tests -> npm run build && npm run local
    • npm run build executes webpack.config on the root directory
    • npm run local leverages light-server (link at bottom)
    • hosts entire repository at localhost:4000
    • build selection is dependent upon structure of ./dist
    • webpack currently builds one version, but could be changed to store multiple, accessible via ./public/index.html of each build inside ./dist
  2. Single production build test -> npm run build && npm run start
    • npm run build executes webpack.config on the root directory
    • npm run start runs a hot reload webpack development server with the MOST CURRENT build at
    • runs single build with hot reload
  3. Dockerized container build -> npm run docker:buildit && npm run docker:sendit
    • npm run docker:buildit builds docker image from Dockerfile in root directory
    • npm run docker:sendit builds and runs a docker container, available at localhost:3000
    • runs single production build, no hot reload, true production test
  4. Naive deployment, gh-pages -> npm deploy
    • basic production level build test