
Timezone abbreviations mapped to offsets from UTC in minutes


Timezone abbreviations mapped to offsets from UTC in minutes. May return unexpected results for ambiguous abbreviations.


var timezones = require('timezone-abbr-offsets')
console.log(timezones.CEST) // -> 120
console.log(timezones.UYST) // -> -120
console.log(timezones.X) // -> -660


This is a simple object with the timezone abbreviations from Wikipedia1 and one-character military timezones from http://timeanddate.com. When timezone abbreviations are ambiguous, the timezone that had more searches on Google Trends is used (like this). There were two cases where Google Trends couldn't help:

  • CST: Stands for Central Standard Time in Australia and North America. This is mapped to UTC-06:00 (i.e. -360)
  • LHST: Stands for Lord Howe Standard Time and Lord Howe Summer Time. Google Trends didn't have enough search volume to make a comparison, so this is mapped to UTC+10:30 (i.e. 630)

1 Accesed on 2015-05-27 12:45 UTC