
Public readme

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Hi 👋 I'm Chris, jazzsequence on the internet.

My pronouns are he/they.

I am a Senior Software Engineer and Technical Lead for WordPress on the CMS Platform team at Pantheon

I have been building things with WordPress for over 15 years and making things on the internet for over 20 years.

I also write and play TTRPGs and create homebrew content for Dungeons & Dragons that you can also support on DMsGuild. You can find more fiction and game design work on my blog.

I'm casually interested in AI and LLMs and have been writing about my experiments on my blog.

I am 1/3 of the podcast Binary Jazz -- we write code, too.

  • 🌱 I’m primarily a PHP developer but I'm always looking to learn and practise more JavaScript and React
  • 💻 Recently, I've been writing a lot of server-side scripts and CI automations and really enjoy writing new GitHub Actions
  • 👯 I’m interested in collaborating with other TTRPG content creators on games and D&D (or other TTRPG) content
  • 📫 You can find me in a lot of places but I'm probably most active socially on Instagram, Threads, Mastodon, and Discord (@jazzsequence).