
A simple pagination library based on the agnostic branch of will_paginate

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


A really simple pagination library, heavily based on the agnostic branch of will_paginate.


Leaf supports pagination for collections responding to total_pages, per_page, previous_page and total_entries in Sinatra views out of the box.

It currently supports two renderers: Leaf::ViewHelpers::LinkRenderer and Leaf::ViewHelpers::ListRenderer


gem install leaf

Example usage

require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require 'leaf'

include Leaf::ViewHelpers::Base

# Needed to paginate any array
# you’ll probably use something else.
require 'leaf/array'

get '/' do
  page = (params[:page]) ? params[:page] : 1
  array = ('a'..'z').to_a

  haml :index, :locals => { 
    :collection => array.paginate({
      :page => page, 
      :per_page => 5


Authors and credits

Leaf is based on will_paginate which was originally written by PJ Hyett, who later handed over development to Mislav Marohnić. (The library was completely rewritten since then.)