This repository accompanies Pivotal Certified Professional Spring Developer Exam, 2nd Edition by Iuliana Cosmina (Apress, 2019).
This is a Gradle multi-module project. The *-practice projects, have tests and pieces left unimplemented so building the full project using:
gradle build
will fail.
To build the full project and skipping tests, build from the root (pivotal-certified-pro-spring-dev-exam-02
) directory:
gradle build -x test
To use cached builds execute:
gradle --build-cache clean build assemble
To build the project and scan your build execute:
gradle clean build --scan
Just keep in mind, the project is quite big and when displaying the results, you browser might be slow.
German unicode characters here:
The ojdbc artifact is not available in Maven public repository. There are two possible solutions:
download it from the Official Oracle site and store it in the ~/.m2/repository/.. where Gradle is expecting to find it.
in build.gradle replace this line:
ojdbc : "",
with this line:
ojdbc : "com.github.noraui:ojdbc7:"
I’m not sure how long the artifact will be available there (, because Oracle licensing might prevent people from sharing their artifacts on public servers, so for long term use, the first solution is recommended.
Release v2.0 corresponds to the code in the published book, without corrections or updates.