
job service API with guava caching, postgres persistence, and removal cron

Primary LanguageJava

Demo Application - Job Service API

This Job Service is an HTTP service for tracking progress of background jobs.

The job is represented by:

  • id - unique job’s identifier
  • total - a number representing total size of the job
  • progress - a number representing current progress of the job (ie. job is considered completed when progress == total)

The service interface supports the following actions:

  • Register a job - accept total attribute, generates and return an ID for the job.
  • Update a job based on ID - allows incrementing job's progress by some arbitrary number or setting absolute progress. This supports a large volume of (potentially concurrent) update requests to the same job.
  • Show all jobs
  • Show individual job by ID

Additional features:

  • Jobs expire after they have not been updated for 1 minute via a cron job.
  • The job state is cached in memory.

Dev Setup Requirements

  • Java 8
  • Docker
  • IntelliJ recommended (run-configs provided)
  • IntelliJ enable annotation processing (for Lombok)

Local Development

Tests can be run with ./gradlew checkstyleMain checkstyleTest test.

Spin up dependencies with:

docker-compose -f local-dev.yml up

The server can be started by using the IntelliJ run configuration run-local.

Navigate to http://localhost:8080/swagger.


  • environment variables
  • integration tests
  • CI/CD
  • metrics/monitoring