
Front End for Bizhub: a QA forum built to connect entrepreneurs and business services professionals. Built using Javascript with React and Redux

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Bizhub is a QA forum made to connect entrepreuners with business services providers. The applicatiosn frontend is built using Javascript with React and Redux and the backend (https://github.com/jb5595/final-project-backend) is built using ruby on rails. The applications utilizes the Bcrypt gem along with JWT tokens in order to provide user authenticatiokns and securely store user information on the server side. The application also integrates Amazone S3 object storage with rails Active Storage in order to provide highly scalable image storage capabilities.

A Demo of the apps full functionaility can be found: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWW60Xdqbew&t=1s