
Test Automation Final Project - RF-SMART ACADEMY - Jessica Babcock


Technical Requirements

Coding language: Typescript Framework: Playwright

Necessary Deliverables

Test Cases:

API Testing

  1. At least 4 for API testing and verifying data: 1A. Get test case - GET Request- Assert Response Status(OK) 1B. Post test case - POST Request - Creating a Resource 1C. Use API returned results in a workflow - Workflow (including manipulation) - Get Data, Reverse It, and Save as Artifact -- Notes: Kind of a pre-req to the following test 1D. Collect data and create artifact after manipulating it in some way (reverse the order, select last 5, etc.) - Manipulation - Get Data, Extract Only Top 5 Results, and Save as an Artifact -- Notes: Utilize the API test from workflow results -> to then manipulate and validate manipulation

UI Testing

  1. At least 4 UI TEST CASES: 2A. 1 login verification - Login Validation 2B. 1 positive test case - Positive Test Validation - add new contact to contact list 2C. 1 negative test case validation - Negative Test Validation - invalid login should display error 2D. 1 end to end workflow - End to End Validation - e2e - Login, Add Contact, & Edit Contact

Add. Testing (API)

  1. Three additional cases, optional you can pick what they would be covering: 3A. GET - Assert Response Status(Not Found) - Status(404) 3B. GET - JSON Parsing 3C. GET - Simple Get Test - Retrieve Comments

Timeline goal: 2 months

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