
Various Arch Linux Based Custom ISOs Made With "Archiso"

Primary LanguageShellGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


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An Arch Linux Based Custom ISO Made With Archiso, Specially for newbies and DIY enthusiasts.


Quick Links


  • Offline Installer - Installable ISO, Guide Here
  • Enabled Encryption Settings By Default
  • Grub - With Themes - Configured/Customized
  • Plymouth - Arch Themes - Configured/Customized
  • Xorg Server / GUI - Intel Video Drivers
  • LXDM Display Manager - Configured/Customized
  • Openbox WM (Default), i3WM & LXDE Sessions - Configured/Customized
  • Network Manager - Mobile Broadband, USB/Bluetooth Tethering, nm-applet,nm_dmenu
  • Full File Manager Functionality - Partition Mounting, Network Access, Thumbnails Etc
  • Virtualbox Support - Screenshots
  • Compton Tryone - With Blur
  • Dunst - Notifications - Configured For Each Session
  • Polybar - With All My Themes
  • Rofi - Custom Menus, Themes
  • Yay - AUR helper
  • Shell, Vim, Ranger, etc - Configured
  • eDEX-UI - Optional
  • Pulseaudio - Audio Support
  • Mpd, Mpc, Ncmpcpp - Album Art Support
  • Mplayer - Video Player
  • Terminals - termite, urxvt(compiled with pixbuf), xfce4-terminal, lxterminal
  • GUI - Thunar, Pcmanfm, Geany, Leafpad, Atril, Viewnior, Feh, Etc
  • CLI - vim, ranger, mc/mcedit, htop, bmon, nmon, neofetch, Etc
  • And a lot, don't remember everything, check the source


How To Get ISO

1. Download - You can either download already generated ISO file, or...


2. Build ISO - If you're already using archlinux & want to build the iso, maybe with your config then...

Check list

  • At least 10GB of free space
  • Arch Linux 64-bit only
  • Clear pacman cache; sudo pacman -Scc
  • Configure everything as root
  • Disable auto updates
  • Open the terminal & clone this repo
git clone --single-branch --branch master --depth=1 https://github.com/adi1090x/archlinux.git archlinux
  • After cloning, run 'setup.sh', it'll install the dependencies, AUR packages, Fix Permissions, Etc. Be Patient!
cd archlinux
chmod +x setup.sh
  • Now, Change to 'customiso' directory & get ROOT & Run 'build.sh'
cd customiso
sudo su
./build.sh -v
  • If everything goes well, you'll have the ISO in 'customiso/out' directory.

If you want to Rebuild the ISO, remove work & out dirs inside customiso directory first. then run ./build.sh -v as root. You don't need to run 'setup.sh' again, it's a one time process only.

Boot The ISO

1. Using GRUB - If you're already using a linux distro, with grub, then you can add following entry in your 'grub.cfg' file, Replace "X" with your partition number, and 'path_to_your_iso' with ISO path, which can be (/home/USERNAME/archlinux/customiso/out/archlinux-xxxx.xx.xx-x86_64.iso)

menuentry 'Arch Linux Live' --class arch --class gnu-linux --class linux {
    set root='(hd0,X)'
    set isofile="path_to_your_iso"
    set dri="free"
    search --no-floppy -f --set=root $isofile
    probe -u $root --set=abc
    set pqr="/dev/disk/by-uuid/$abc"
    loopback loop $isofile
    linux  (loop)/arch/boot/x86_64/vmlinuz img_dev=$pqr img_loop=$isofile driver=$dri quiet loglevel=3 systemd.show_status=false udev.log-priority=3 vt.global_cursor_default=0 splash cow_spacesize=1G
    initrd  (loop)/arch/boot/intel_ucode.img (loop)/arch/boot/x86_64/archiso.img

2. Using dd - Alternatively, you can use dd command to make a bootable USB_Drive/SDcard, Just open the terminal and...

sudo su
dd bs=4M if=path_to_iso of=/dev/sdX status=progress oflag=sync

3. Using Etcher - If you use Windows, or maybe linux but afraid of dd, then you can use Etcher to make a bootable USB/SDcard. More Options Here






  • I've installed three Sessions in the ISO, Openbox is the default Session, i3wm specially for terminals and Lxde, if you're too lazy to use keyboard.
  • Personally, i love eDEX-UI, So i've added it in setup.sh, it's optional for you.
  • Default grub is ugly and on arch linux, well it sucks, so i've configured it to sush it completely & added custom entries & a beautiful theme.
  • Also, I tricked the AUR plymouth pkg to have this heart-beat kinda theme, so i can have it on ISO's initrd.
  • I've made this adapta style lxdm theme, which looks... good, i guess, At first i configred lightdm with webkit2-greeter, but it was very slow and buggy, so i replaced it with lxdm. well, it's on you, you want lightdm... Source is yours.
Grub Plymouth
img img
Lxdm eDEX-UI
img img


This ISO can be installed, Offline, thanks to ABIF. I've tested & installed it on a USB Drive, SDcard, HDD & Virtualbox, works as expected. Just Don't forget to install virtualbox guest additions after installing it on vbox.

The installer is very simple and easy to use, but what if you're still a windows guy or a softcore linux user (Coz arch is for Hardcore linux users, Did you get it? NEVERMIND :P). So i've created a step by step guide on how to install it - Here, How To Install It.

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Few Words

  • I'm really bad at Naming Things, So i've kept it simple - just Archlinux.
  • Default username and password is liveuser (Live ISO Only).
  • After installing this ISO, run sudo pacman -Syy to fix pacman. it'll just download packages database.
  • In this ISO, I've enabled encryption settings (luks/dm-crypt) by default. If you're installing it without encryption, there will be no issue, but these settings are useless for you in this case. So after normal installation, comment out GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y in /etc/default/grub and remove plymouth-encrypt hook in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf and rebuilt initrd.
  • Important - I've tested it on two laptops, with intel pantium & i3 CPUs. Obviously ISO have intel-video drivers, if you have nvidia or something, edit packages.x86_64 and replace the drivers section with your GPU drivers packages, or WM/DE might freeze on startup.
  • My display resolution is 1366x768, if you have a 1920x1080 Display, then you have to edit customiso/airootfs/etc/skel/.config/rofi/themes/shared/settings.rasi or $HOME/.config/rofi/themes/shared/settings.rasi & replace it with your display resolution for rofi-menus to work.
  • You may have to modify some config files according to your system, (i mean that's the goal, right). Ex- customiso/airootfs/etc/skel/.config/i3status/config, customiso/airootfs/etc/skel/.config/polybar/modules.ini for Battery & Network Modules.
  • By default, touchpad is disabled. To enable it... Open Settings manager & goto 'Mouse & Touchpad>Touchpad>Tap to click'.
  • While installing it on the USB, installer seems like it freezed when grub was installing. Problem it - os-prober was taking a long time to detect other OS installed on system. it took 10-12 mins to complete. on other media (SDcard & HDD), there was no such issue. Maybe it's a bug related to os-prober, thought i should mention it here. if you face it, pls wait!
  • It's a 64-bit only ISO/OS.
  • Updates: Well, the best things is, you'll always get the latest Linux kernel, Archlinux System & Packages, if you build it. if you can't, Then Install this ISO, run sudo pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring && sudo pacman -Syu & DONE, you'll have the latest Arch Linux system.
  • Arch is not beginner's friendly OS, so if it's your first time with arch linux... your welcome, i've made it easy for you. JUST KIDDING... But sure, you're gonna learn a lot with this ISO, & specially by it's Source, it'll give you a picture of how a linux system works.
  • This project is just a derivative of Arch Linux, It's Not Arch Linux itself.
  • Share this repo with your friends/classmates/colleagues who're new to linux/Archlinux.