A Python tool to help move a local account or home folder to an NIH AD account.
Mount the Nomadize.dmg
Open Terminal.app
From an account with Admin or Sudo rights run this command to start the wizard
sudo /Volumes/Nomadize/Nomadize
Please choose the source account. If the account is not stored under /Users/ please move it to that path:
Please type in the new AD account:
Deleting old local account
Creating new AD Mobile account
createmobileaccount built Jul 24 2014 20:00:42
You will see a few MCX errors, these are normal and can be ignored MCXCCacheMCXRecordAndGraph(): vproc_swap_integer(NULL, VPROC_GSK_PERUSER_SUSPEND, &(uid=xxxxxxxxxx), NULL) failed
Setting ownership