
Unleash your inner mom!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Since we will be using Node.js as the server, you will no longer need
to use MAMP/WAMP to run ShopMaster. Instead, you will need to install
Node.js on your machine, as well as something called npm (Node Package
Manager). Go to http://nodejs.org/ to learn more.


1. Install Node.js and npm on your machine.

2. Navigate to the ShopMaster folder in your terminal and type: 
   "npm install"
   This will install all of ShopMaster's dependencies (it only has one
   called Express. Everything else is handled by Angular.js, which we
   reference from the HTML. Express is a library for Node.js.)
And you're ready to develop!


1. When you're ready to develop, navigate to the ShopMaster folder in
   your terminal and type:
   "node server"
   If the server starts, you should see the following output in your terminal:
   "Server listening on port xxxx"
   This port xxxx is the port on the localhost that Node.js decided to bind to.

2. Open up your favorite web browser and navigate to:
   Where xxxx is the port number that Node.js has bound to.
And you're off to the races! :) With this design, the server IS INDEED logging data!!
So, treat this local server JUST LIKE YOU WOULD THE REAL SERVER!! In other words,
if you create a list, save it, and type the email again, you SHOULD get routed to
the mobile site! (Of course, we still need to code that part.)

Have fun!