This app is a simple demo app of list and details.
Technical Approach
- The app is a simplified version of the clean architecture (less abstraction).
- Organised into 3 modules
- Domain: Holds the apps domain logic (mainly getting lists of data). Pure java. Defines it's own dependencies.
- Data: For accessing data.
- Presentation: Showing data to the user.
- Uses dagger to wire the dependencies.
- Uses RxJava for handling data flow.
- Everything returns an empty result rather than returning something on the onError. If something is coming on onError it's treated as fatal and the chain will break down.
- The presenters are pure java to make them unit testable
Things to improve
- The Repositories look very similar they should be unified.
- Only if the posts network call fails there is a recovery. For all the others there is no recovery if they fail they will crash the app.
- Caching is very basic. It's an in memory Subject. It can survive rotation but nothing else and it never invalidates it's cache.
- The views(activities and adapter) are not tested they should have espresso tests.
- This app is perfect for shared view transition animation.