
The git repository that will keep my vim configuration

Primary LanguageVimL

Steps to reuse this configuration:

Clone the repo to a local folder. For the example we'll use /home/user/.vim
git clone gitrepourl /home/user/.vim

If the folder /home/user/.config/nvim exists, make a backup and delete it
Make a symbolic link from the repo to the folder /home/user/.config/nvim
ln -s /home/user/.vim /home/user/nvim

Open neovim. It might give some because of some plugins being missing at loading, like the color scheme or YouCompleteMe. 
We'll deal with these later.

Run :PlugInstall
This will download and install all the plugins. Most of them will be ready to use.

Finish YouCompleteMe installation
Go to YouCompleteMe installation folder and run install.py
In my case, since Archlinux uses python 3 by default the command should be run using python2. Add the completers as indicated
in YouCompleteMe's official page. I run this:
python2 install.py --clang-completer --tern-completer --racer-completer

It could happen that the content of init.vim has to be reloaded. For that, just run in neovim: