Tracking peoples opinion on a project test_suite
(see below a use example)
- Create your project
- Retrieve it’s test_suite (using: test_parser)
- View all your tests code
- Add comments to them!
- deVoTest parses your test suite
- People provide feedback on the tests (looking at the current test implementation an or others people comment).
- (still pending) Test Voting allows to rank your test suite and keep an eye on those test nobody likes.
- Ruby 1.9.2
- A project with a test suite! (Currently only minitest (v2.0.2) and/or RSpec 2 (v2.5.0))
- The will to improve your test suite
- Not fully compatible with bundler (although some cases might work)
- Keep track of the evolution of individual tests
- Update Generate only new tests
- Install dependencies with bundler: `bundle`
- create database `rake db:migrate`
- start the server `rails server`
- Fire up a browser and click on “New Project”
- Any one of these repo should work
- test_parser
- bin (Private RMU repo)
- Save and then click on “Update test suite” (this will take a while). You should now see all the tests and be able to comment.