
An example of how to run serverspec tests on Chef-managed machines

Primary LanguageRuby


An example of how to run serverspec tests on Chef-managed machines.

This is from my 11/18/2014 presentation at Boston DevOps.


Install ChefDK and set it as your default Ruby for this session with:

chef shell-init {myshell}

where {myshell} is the shell you use, like bash or zsh.

Install the kitchen-docker driver:

chef gem install kitchen-docker

You should have a running docker on your system. If you're on OSX install boot2docker and set your DOCKER_HOST environment variable.

export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://$(boot2docker ip 2>/dev/null):2376


Now you can use kitchen converge to converge a docker container. After convergance, kitchen verify will run the serverspec tests.

When you're all done, run kitchen destroy to remove the docker container.