
Trivial, primitive, naive, and optimistic hook registry in Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


pip install hookery

hookery is to be used when inheritance becomes too complicated and it is easier to extend functionality by registering hook handlers instead of overriding parent class methods.

Works with Python 3.5+ and will not work with anything older.


This demonstrates a hookable class Field with one hook mapper which can be used to customise mapping of a field from a source dictionary to a target dictionary.

If someone wants to extend the functionality of Field class they would either register handlers on concrete instances of Field like validate_height which is registered with height field, or with classes like Field.default_mapper, source_printer, and Integer.to_int.

from hookery import hookable, InstanceHook

class Field:
    mapper = InstanceHook(args=('field', 'source', 'target'))

    def default_mapper(self, source, target):
        target[self.name] = source.get(self.name, None)

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

    def map(self, source, target=None):
        if target is None:
            target = {}
        self.mapper.trigger(field=self, source=source, target=target)
        return target

def source_printer(source):
    print('source:', source)

class Integer(Field):

    def to_int(self, target):
        target[self.name] = int(target[self.name]) if target[self.name] is not None else None

height = Integer('height')

def validate_height(field, target):
    if target[field.name] > 250:
        raise ValueError((field.name, target[field.name]))

print(height.map({'height': '165'}))


A hookable is something that one can hook into (onto, around, or about) using hooks. This something is usually an algorithm, a strategy of some sort; and hooks are points in the execution of this strategy at which the designer of the strategy allows user to monitor the execution of the strategy or to change it.

To hook into a strategy, user picks one of the hooks the strategy exposes and registers a handler for it. A handler is just a function. A hook may have zero, one or multiple handlers registered with it. When a hookable strategy is executed and the control of the program reaches a hooking point, the corresponding hook will be triggered, and through that all registered handler functions will be called and their results collected.

hookery provides a few flavours of hooks: standalone hooks, class hooks, and instance hooks.

A standalone hook is just something that can be registered handlers with. It does not have a subject, it is not associated with any class or instance and so it does not inherit any handlers. All handlers are registered directly on the hook object itself.

A class hook is associated with a particular class. By default, a separate hook is generated automatically for every class derived from this class, however, the derived class hook inherits all handlers registered with the parent class's corresponding hook. Attempt to trigger a class hook from an instance of the class raises TypeError. Class hooks are just hooks that use class they belong to as a namespace. When you create a new class with a hookable class as its base class, the new class will inherit all the handlers registered with hooks of the parent class.

An instance hook is also associated with a hookable class, but a separate instance-associated hook is auto-generated for each instance of this class. That way handlers can be registered separately with the class-associated hook (to affect all instances of the class) and with the instance-associated hook (to only affect the particular instance). Unlike with class hooks which are triggered against a particular class, an instance hook can only be triggered with a particular instance in context, triggering such hook on class will raise a TypeError. When such hook is triggered, all handlers registered with the class-associated hook will be called first and then all handlers for the instance-associated hook will be called.

Hookable Class

Any class can be marked as hookable either by decorating it with @hookable decorator, extending Hookable, or setting its metaclass to HookableMeta.

The recommended method is the @hookable decorator.

Classes derived from a hookable class are also hookable.

class Request:
    before = InstanceHook()
    after = InstanceHook()

Single-Handler Hooks

A single-handler hook is a hook for which only the last registered handler matters. By default, a hook can have an unlimited number of handlers, and results from all of them will be collected when the hook is triggered. The results are then returned as a list. But for a single-handler hook, trigger() will only call the last handler and return result as is. If there is no handler registered, None will be returned.

If the majority of your hooks are single-handler hooks instance hooks for which you register handlers in class body then you are probably misusing hooks. A single-handler hook in such scenario is clearer to express as a just a normal instance method. Hooks are simpler to use than methods if handlers need to be attached directly to instances.


Any function or generator function can be registered as a handler.

If a handler is a generator function, it will be fully consumed on hook trigger and all the values it yields will be returned as a list. To disable this functionality, the hook must be declared with consume_generators=False.

on_application_shutdown = Hook()

def say_bye(user):
    print('Bye {}!'.format(user))

Handlers can specify arguments they expect and they don't have to match the arguments with which the hook is triggered -- only the requested arguments will be supplied.

on_application_shutdown.trigger(greeting='Good bye {}', user='M. A.')

Functions decorated with @classmethod and @staticmethod cannot be registered as handlers.

Feature Markers in Code

There are some features which are hard to explain without an example and which require handling in multiple places in code and documenting each place with an example would be a nightmare. Instead we use the following markers to decode which feature is being implemented.


Even though on_before is decorated with @Request.before, the handler is registered only with SafeRequest.before.

class Request:
    before = InstanceHook()

class SafeRequest(Request)
    def on_before():


class Field:
    parser = InstanceHook()

    def parse_value(self, value):
        return int(value)

If a hook is declared in the same class body in which it is used to register a handler, then we need to take special care as parser is not associated with the containing Field class yet.