BS (batchScript) is a toy programming language for the purpose of learning to build a compiler.
The project started with following the Building a Compiler series but in TypeScript. It has diverged since getting to code generation.
BS has an interpreter and a compiler. The interpreter is written in Typescript and the compiler translates the AST into LLVM IR which is compiled to machine code.
- yarn
- clang
- llvm@14
Install dependencies
Build the TS
yarn tsc
# yarn tsc -w to run in watch mode
Start the REPL
yarn dev
Run the compiler (compiling too LLVM IR)
yarn bsc -l ./programs/
# Run the compiled code
batchScript is still pretty basic. It supports:
- Data types: currently
- Type checking: static typing and compile time type checking
- Control structures: currently
- Functions: Very basic support for functions that take variables that are scoped and optional returning a value
- Standard Library: The standard library currently only supports:
print(s: string)
input(): string
rand(from: int, to: int): int
On the TODO list for batchScript:
- Tests
- Switch
- Error handling
- Memory management
- Object Orientation
- Concurrency/Parallelism
- First class functions, anonymous functions
- Modules
- Metaprogramming