A Caesar cipher is a method of encryption used all the way back to Caesar's day. It is one of the simplest forms of encryption, so simple you could independently come up with it yourself at the age of 10. It involves taking a message and shifting each letter by a certain 'shift' distance.
For example if the shift is 3 and your entire message is "a b c" the encoded message would be "D E F".
This little project does look very simple at face value and it is. The actual coding of the cipher took no time at all. The purpose of writing this was
- Getting some coding practice so I don't get rusty
- To use it in another project that's slightly more interesting
The project was never intended to be difficult. In fact I did almost the same program as a first year coding assignment nearly two years ago. To make it a little more interesting I also threw in a nice little GUI to make it user friendly (I did intend to use it after all.)
##Usage To fire it up simply clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/jbatch/caesercipher.git
cd caesarcipher
compile the code
javac *.java
(I should add a quick makefile to this at some point)
and run it!
java CaesarCipher
The GUI will appear on your screen. From here usage is fairly self explanatory. The message you want to encode goes in the message box. The shift value you want to use to encode goes in the shift box and you hit Encrypt. That's all there is to it.