Create a nixos installer for the RockPro64

The RockPro64 currently is not yet fully upstreamed into uboot and the kernel and as such the generic nixos installer will not boot


There is no cross-compiling support in this repo currently so this must be built on a aarch64 machine (or possibly an emulated aarch64 qemu vm). It has been tested on a c2.large.arm machine on

Note: Currently you need to build on the nixos-unstable channel (20.03pre at the moment) as the image produced by stable 19.03 does not boot.

# To build, use:
nix-build '<nixpkgs/nixos>' -I nixos-config=sd-image-aarch64-rockpro64.nix -A

# When it completes the image will be in the result symlink dir:
find result/ -iname "*.img"
# result/sd-image/nixos-sd-image-19.03pre-git-aarch64-linux.img

Make a bootable sdcard

In the below commands replace mmcblkX with the correct sdcard device.

# Copy the image to the sdcard
sudo dd if=nixos-sd-image-19.03pre-git-aarch64-linux.img of=/dev/mmcblkX status=progress

# Use fdisk to delete first partition. 
# (The first partition currently contains firmware for other boards and is not useful for the rockpro64.
#  It also gets in the way of uboot currently.)

sudo fdisk /dev/mmcblkX
# Delete first partition and write: d 1 w

Now copy the rockpro64 specific uboot build to the sdcard. The correct uboot build can be found here: See for more information.

# Copy the uboot image to the sdcard starting at block 64
sudo dd if=idbloader.img of=/dev/mmcblkX status=progress bs=512 seek=64