AREC570 Reproducibility Exercise

This repository represents the key to a class exercise on reproducibility. The objective of the project is to develop a fully automated process to read raw data, process the data, and produce a report (pdf, html). The script compile_data.R (in the directory build/code) reads in the raw data and builds a dataset for the analysis step. The intermediate dataset is saved in the analysis/input directory. The analysis script then generates two figures and produces a latex table. The main scripts in the project root automate the build process. main.R is a script written in R and designed to be called from R. The is a shell script that can be called from within bash to build the project. The windows main.bat file should accomplish the same task for a windows workflow using Stata and Latex.

From R:


From terminal:


The report is located in the directory titled report.

Note that this project requires the user has installed R.